A juice cleanse can be quite intimidating. It's something you may want to explore, or feel you need to experience, but aren't sure where to start.
One of Zest's employees, Brooke Taylor started her first ever cleanse this week. She chose the 3-day intermediate cleanse. Zest offers three different cleanses:
- Basic: recommended for new juicers who want to rebalance their body and mind to a healthier state. (#1 The Lush #2 Vitamin C Bus #3 Fresh Green #4 The Detox #5 Beets By Zest #6 Cashew Milk)
- Intermediate: recommended for those who have cleansed before, or are healthy eaters in general. (#1 Fresh Green #2 Vitamin C Bus #3 Beets By Zest #4 The Detox #5 Sherlock #6 Cashew Milk)
- Advanced: recommended if you’re an experienced juicer or someone who has a passion for healthy eating. (#1 Fresh Green #2 Sherlock #3 The Detox #4 Sherlock #5 Beets By Zest #6 Cashew Milk)
Brooke chose the Intermediate 3-day because she loves greens and fruits. She documented her experience on social media. Here is an excerpt from Brooke's first cleanse experience: (she only completed 2.5 days because she was under the weather.)
"The first day was the easiest because you are really excited and I personally felt my body was loving all of the sugar/nutrients from the juices. The second day was the hardest because that's when my cravings kicked in for food. I think the third day may have been easier than the first if it hadn't been for my setback because I woke up feeling the most refreshed that day and didn't even need my green tea. I felt like my skin was brighter and my hair was softer too on the third day.
The biggest challenge was staying excited about only drinking liquids for three days. I kept myself engaged through my cute photos and updates. It definitely made it more fun and I did it with my manager, Kari, so we were able to motivate each other. I constantly reminded her to drink water (which is also hard).
I feel proud of myself! I wish I could have finished my third day completely, but it is something I would look into doing again!
I already began changing my eating habits before the cleanse by cutting out dairy. I won't give up coffee because I love it too much, but I never really have more than one cup a day. My biggest goal is to track my sugar intake and ensure I am getting enough calcium. I feel that bloating and my acne is related to dairy.
I really think the cleanse would be good for helping people to figure out their allergies because my skin didn't break out at all during the cleanse. My biggest post-cleanse change will be controlling my portion sizes. I have crazy hunger cravings so I am hoping this cleanse rebalanced my stomach when it comes to overeating.
I would definitely recommend the cleanse! It was easier than I thought it would be to just drink the juices. I think the number one thing is to constantly drink water and to be honest with yourself. If you are someone who has low blood sugar, I think its okay to add another cashew milk or even drink a glass of coconut milk. Also, cleansing with a friend helped me a lot!
Pros: I definitely felt a sense of accomplishment knowing that food doesn't control my life. I am someone who is controlled by hunger. I have to eat right when I wake up or else I am super mean and get headaches. To see myself overcome hunger pangs was incredible. Even today, I woke up and felt content (not hungry nor full) I have IBS so its rare that I feel content.
Cons: I think it is a good idea to surround yourself with people who will motivate you. Another con is I felt incredible guilty when I had to break my cleanse. I am forgiving myself for it, but I think people need to be real with themselves. We have a toxic relationship with fad dieting and counting calories, so I think it's important for people to remember not to fear food. Another con is people think the cleanse is a way to lose weight. I used it as a way to heal my digestive track so I think people need to be realistic with their goals!"
Brooke Taylor chose the 3-day Intermediate Cleanse
Starry Night - Detox Morning
Heavy green juices, like our Sherlock, didn't scare Brooke...that's why she chose Zest's Intermediate Cleanse on her first try.